
Thursday, October 5, 2017

Motive Unknown

Stephen Paddock is a terrorist. Without prejudice he opened fire with an assault rifle into a crowd of 22,000 people, killing 59 and injuring more than 200 while bringing our nation to its knees. We have learned that Stephen was a country music fan. So were the people he murdered. We are told that Stephen lived a very quiet life. Until he committed the biggest act of Domestic Terrorism in our country? 
Yes, he lived a quiet life. They want to know what Stephens motive was. Officials have begun investigating and digging into to his quiet life. For some reason, his motive is unknown. Why would this simple guy, over sixty, a poker player, "living a quiet life", commit this heinous act of terrorism? No one knows his motive. Why not ask me? I know what his motive was. His motive was to kill. To harm, to terrorize. This may be shocking to some but not every oldish, white guy living a "quiet life" is a dear patriot that loves his American people. Stephen certainly wasn’t one. Stephen intended on being infamous. He picked the perfect spot in his Mandalay Bay hotel. He probably had a juicy rib eye steak and a scotch beforehand. He probably settled all his debts and said goodbye to friends, before bringing all those weapons to his room and finding the right angle to inflict the most damage. 
He probably salivated as his assault rifle blared and confused people into mass hysteria. He used his weapon of Mass Destruction to inflict harm and horror on people who were partying and having a great time, all vulnerable with their guard down. Stephen wanted to watch innocent people scatter in terror while he got to play God for a while, taking life in the most brutal and inhumane way. Stephen wanted to watch the fear and confusion as people didn’t know which way to go or where the shooter was. He felt powerful. Kill- that was his motive. Make all the people in this country question what can happen anytime they leave the safety of their houses. Stephen wanted parents to worry about the world their children are growing up in. Stephen wanted to continue to divide us, over gun laws and race. Stephen wanted to be another Lone Wolf. Sounds kinda cool doesn’t it? Stephen’s pale face and having no ties to the Middle East ensure he would become known as another Lone Wolf. That does sound better than Terrorist so I see what he was aiming for. A pale faced man, a man living a quiet life, killing so many civilians is startling as hell. Stephen wanted to scare us. He wants us to think twice next time we’re in public and let our guard down. How many more Stephens’ are out there? I can name a lot of white guys over sixty that live a quiet life. Stephen Paddock is a terrorist. Stephen intended on killing and changing our nation’s history. Stephen intended on baffling the media and many Americans. 
Stephen also chose to kill himself because he could not face the consequences of his despicable actions. Suicide was also his intention but he wanted to go out with the notion that he actually made an impact on our world despite his normalcy of a quiet life. Stephen wanted to prove something to me.  That what I’ve always heard is true. It’s the quiet ones that we need to watch out for. 

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